Harhi College was set up on 1996 (Academic Session 1998-1999) and its is situated at a beautiful landscape on the bank of the river Charikoria of the rural Sub-division Dhakuakhana, P.O.- Gobindapur in the District of North Lakhimpur (Assam), Pin- 787055. It is only a premier institution of Higher Education, covering almost 05 G.P. where most of the people basically belong to ST, SC, OBC and MOBC. The college is now till the date of establishment, imparting higher education and providing knowledge and skill in the faculty of Arts among the students. The college is situated at the HARHI region at a distance of about six kilometers to the of Dhakuakhana East of the town in between the broader area of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji Districts. The place where the college is situated, enjoys a unique place in the fields of art, literature and culture. The diverse tribes with their district dialects, customs, traditions and culture also make this area a variable paradise for the study of Art and Culture.
The college which began with a few numbers of students in H.S. and B.A. 1st year classes and the faculty was consisted of only five members, is now a full-grown one in the rural Sub-division of Dhakuakhana. The faculty now increases upto thirty four with sufficient academic degrees. The student enrolment of this college has more than 1200 right from Higher Secondary to B.A. classes in conventional mode. Besides, the college another 200 students in open school under Assam Higher Secondary Education Council, B.A. and M.A. classes under Directorate of Distance Education, Dibrugarh University, in Non-conventional mode.
The college campus extends over an area of more than 48 Bighas of land of which 08 Bighas of low land are still covered under Fishery and another 07 Bighas of land are under coverage of Chum plantation. Beside, the campus of the college is nicely built including Employees’ residential Quarters.
The territorial jurisdiction of Harhi College covers two district of upper Assam, viz, Lakhimpur and Dhemaji and is well linked by roads from all directions. After receiving 2(f) and (B) registration / recognition status under UGC, for which the college is able to receive a huge amount of grant under 11th plan from UGC to construct a Women Hostel, Indoor & Outdoor stadium and to uplift the library facility etc.
Receiving NOC from Govt. Assam.
Initial Permission from Dibrugarh University.
Permission Concurrence from Govt. of Assam.
Temporary Affiliation from Dibrugarh University.
Major Permission from Dibrugarh University in the subject of Pol. Science,History, Assamese & Sociology.
Affiliation Concurrence from Govt. of Assam
Major Concurrence from Dibrugarh University in the subject of Pol. Science,History, Assamese / Hindi & Sociology
Major Permission from Dibrugarh University in the subject of Philosophy,English,Economics & Education.
Major Permission from Dibrugarh University in the subject of Mathematics and Anthropology.
Major Concurrence from Dibrugarh University in the subject of Philosophy, English, Economics & Education.
Major Permission from Dibrugarh University in the subject of Mathematics and Anthropology.
Permanent Affiliation from Dibrugarh University.
The College is recognized by the UGC under 2(f).
The College is recognized by the UGC under 12(B).
March 2013
The College Provincialised by the Govt. of Assam. w.e.f. 1-1-2013.